Friday, January 4, 2008

These are a few of my Favorite Things

Thing - 13 Subscription Databases

In thinking about subscription databases, I always think about the ones the District provides and how little many seem to use them; or, even explore them in all the ways in which they can be appreciated.

The Grolier Online Database brings to mind the day when you considered a set of encyclopedias in competition with an online version of the same thing. At first I thought the online version was ridiculous because each person could actually handle a letter of the alphabet with that volume in their hands whereas online there was only room for one person on the computer. However, when the person who had a particular volume and wanted it copied, it would be necessary to run to a copy machine. Thus, the supposed savings of paper in printing the set would be lost to the printing demands.

Grolier Online is easier to use, shows you how to cite the article in a pop-up menu.

Grolier has many other cites in an article's information provided with more information as well as in pictures and weblinks.

It's fun and easy.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Thing 11 - All About Google

In attending the Memo Conference in Brainard this Fall, I attended a session which was entirely on Google. In looking on the Memo 2007 Conference site to recall the particulars, the name of the presenter was Kristen Mastel but I thought it was someone else.

As a Librarian I had tried to get the staff and students to "get off Google." It was quite an eye opener to know there were so many aspects to this search engine. Yes, I knew there were images, maps, and gmail accounts which had a lot of intracies.

There were tutorials, videos, and various other search engines.

There are language choices.

For a site named Google, there is a lot to it.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Thing 5 - Create and Maintain a Teacher Web Page

Having taken an Urban Planet Workshop with Leslie at Humbold Senior High with our staff and the staff of the Junior High, I worked on my web page using an "avitar" which was a free one from on line. I condensed biographical information to a philosophy in keeping with Sharon Draper's. I included a little news about RIFas well as some information about the Research Project Calculator.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Thing 4 - Get to Know Your Public Library

Having worked for 3 years at the Red Balloon Book Shop as a bookseller and 8 years at the St. Paul Public Library as a part-time Librarian as a second job, I feel lucky to have some solid connections in the book world besides my school.

It was especially convenient to actively engage students from my school in the public library world either to get cards or clear up their records so they could start using their cards again.

When a book is requested, I sit the student down and we go into the Public Library Catalog and find the book and then check on the Library Card and if active reserve the book at the nearest Library for ease of use by the student.

For other students and some staff, I reserve the book and check it out myself to facilitate getting the material of interest. I know the people and the places and how to get things easily.

Sometimes my friends will facilitate my getting materials by meeting me with the book or putting it in their front porch where I pick it up later.

Fines and adjustments can sometimes make it easier to get problems out of the way between the student and his use of the facility. I usually try to relieve the particular student with fines or a lost card by reminding them that only good readers loose books or cards!

One of my favorite stories of this particular use took place when I was at Johnson High. A female student was doing a report and I told her that if she came down to the Central Downtown Library where I was working that night that I would help her find material and we could print out relevant articles. She did come and with an entourage of males one of which was her brother. After getting her articles, I walked them up from the Children's Room where I worked to the Public Reference Desk. I didn't want to just direct them up there as their shyness can work into avoidance at the critical time in seeking materials. We got the name and location of some relevant material and were walking that way. The brother had been staring at me and finally couldn't resist asking if I had a sister. I said, "No." He continued, "Well, you sure look a lot like our High School Librarian. The sister cut him off, "She IS our high school librarian, stupid!"

I often asked the brother if I could tell "our story" and he usually let me.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Thing 2 - Create Your Blog and Post About It

I have created and I are posting.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Thing 1 - What are you talking about? Understanding Information Literacy.

Wordy Blog 1 discusses random attempts at informational and technological literacy prior to coming to the class use of this term academically broken down into the four parts of: research process, technology use, reading and media literacy and responsible use of technology and learning. This blog recognizes the value of the organizing for instruction in order to get past random and get into a more competent use of information and technology so as to develop lifelong skills.

Idea for vocabulary use: a word wall.

Collaboration works with staff as with students through relationships developed in many ways not the least of which is this experience.

Standards and Scope and Sequence for 9-12 plots specifically the things done previously in a ramdom manner.

Articles for suggested reading contains the great humor concluding Mr. Nishimuro's article on Information Literacy which has many quotes from earlier times of which my particular favorite:

(Television) won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after six month. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night. ---Darryl F. Zanuck, Head of 20th Century Fox, 1946

(taken from "Newsweek" January 27th, 1997)