Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thing 14 - Reliable on-line resources

The Internet Public Library and the Librarian's Index to the Internet are so exciting and picturesque while still being reliable that one wonders when one compares them to the "web site under construction" signs that used to be more common on googlized web sites that led students on a wild goose chase and were largely frustrating and unsatisfying that regardless of reliable the reliable ones are just more fun.

Thing 12 - Other Search Engines.

I think it was Anne Smalley who posted some many reviews of Live Search Engines which I printed out and skimmed over and it included many more than the ones we use from the District. It discussed each included database pointing out its strengths, weaknesses, default operation, boolean searching proximity searching, and many other rather specific points relating to the search engines reviewed. Most of the information was a bit technical and I wasn't really very familiar with any of the search engines reviewed but it would definitely be in the category of a stretch and grow experience.

Thing 10 - Copyright and Plagiarism

Every time a student asks me to copy something for him on the copy machine, I will always copy the title page and write in the copyright date and explain that I have included that for them as they have to give credit to what they use and what parts and in what order.

I remind the students that if they copy something there is no learning that goes on and the point of responsible use of the information they are using has to do with some intimacy with the subject matter by interacting intellectually or romantically with the subject matter. They usually understand when you include the word "romantically." It also, of course, makes the material yours and is a responsible use of it.

Thing 9 - United Streaming Video

There have been two streaming video presentations in our teachers' meetings. I think they were both from U-Tube. Both made you want to cry. One had to do with the presenter's "hero" who was an African-American Basketball coach who rescued a young girl who was trying to remember the words to the Star Spangled Banner. The other was on Canada's Talent Show and involved a rather largely unattractive young man who was a cell phone salesman and acted a little shy and spoke to his interest in opera singing. The judges were all but laughing until he belted out the song he came to sing. He was phenomenal and a good reminder that what we see (in our students and their interests and talents) isn't necessarily what we get and not to be close minded.

Thing 8 - Dribbling Skills

I prepared a dribbling skill by using a short worksheet to get kids familiar with how to easily access the card catalog.

I prepared a little more extensive one on one of the District Data bases with a teacher and her students were thus thoroughly familiar with one web site which I felt would transfer to others as they could easily apply it.

Thing 7 - Get to Know the Research Project Calculator

In working with a student and her upcoming project, we utilized the RPC and she was delighted.

I showed it to our school secretary and she was really excited as she had a son who was taking lots of different classes and could use it with them!

I gave the brochure to a teacher who could have really benefited from it. He didn't even ever try it which was what I thought would happen. His kids would really benefit from it. Perhaps I'll try again one night after school and just demo it with him.

Things 6 Teacher Guide to Project Calculator

Putting in a project and its dates, it is important to click on the teacher resources small check box. As it all comes up, there is the gamut of numerous activites and checklists for teachers. You can click on all the information and get more. Teachers who have used this are sure to like it.