Monday, April 14, 2008


MnLink is a much more widespread manifestation of a service that I worked on starting: the building block known as CLIC. I was in charge of hiring the manual filers in the basement of Hill LIbrary and hiring the driver. We had a large Diebold Power File and statistically figured that the two shelves with the most cards would be B and S, interestingly enough. We manually interfiled the cards from the 7 private colleges and the UofMn and Hill so that there could be a more technologically sound way of getting a book from another of the cooperating libraries. At the beginning, there was some discussion as to whether we should deal with photocopies of later became one of our bigger businesses right away. We had events that I was in charge of to coalesce the different participants like two CLIC art exhibits. I am at this time looking up to see the black and white photo that I bought at the exhibit which is a desk of a table in the Hamline library with the sun shining in and bouncing off a manual pencil sharpener that I have above my upper part of my computer desk in my home. I looked up Killing Field by Christopher Hudson which a teacher has requested and I am having a difficult time locating copies that he wants to use for his class; there were two in mnlink.

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